Aktion Deutschland hilft

The coronavirus affects all of us. In Germany and almost all other countries around the world. Aktion Deutschland Hilft is a strong alliance of 23 aid organizations. We have massively expanded our Corona emergency aid. Together we stand by the people in Germany. And we don’t let families in other countries down. Help us alleviate suffering and save lives.

Aktion Deutschland Hilft – the strong alliance of 23 German aid organizations – provides emergency aid in the event of major disasters. These include earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes. And epidemics like Ebola or cholera. We have been providing humanitarian aid to families in need for many years.

This is how our alliance organizations help worldwide
We distribute food packages to families in need
We help with vital drinking water deliveries
We repair wells, distribute water purification tablets and water filters
Please support our worldwide emergency aid – now with your donation!

Together we will try to stop the corona virus from spreading!
We build hand washing stations
We distribute sanitary material and hygiene kits
We educate people about the virus and hygiene measures
We set up technical systems to spread information quickly via SMS
We improve health care through mobile teams of doctors
We supply medical equipment such as protective masks
We vaccinate malnourished toddlers against preventable diseases
We help with drugs for cholera and other diseases that weaken people
We are building emergency shelters where families can get medical help
We support people in financial need
We advise people online and by phone

Aktion Deutschland Hilft is the alliance of 23 renowned German aid organizations founded in 2001. Together we help people who have lost everything due to major disasters.

Aktion Deutschland Hilft: Helping together faster
Aktion Deutschland Hilft is an association of German aid organizations. In the event of major disasters and emergencies abroad, the alliance provides quick and effective help together. The aid organizations combine their many years of experience in international humanitarian aid to optimize their successful work to date. In exceptional cases, Aktion Deutschland Hilft is also active in Germany.

Efficiently bundle aid measures
The joint action connects the still independent initiators. The aid organizations coordinate their respective knowledge and specific skills with each other, complement each other’s aid measures and pool their resources efficiently. In this way, overlaps and gaps in coverage are avoided in the run-up to the relief efforts.

A joint call for donations
In the acute phase of major disasters, Aktion Deutschland Hilft turns to the public with a joint call for donations. The Alliance’s calls for donations appear under the account number 102030 at the Bank for Social Economy.

cut costs & amp; Convert donations to help
The existing administrative structures and capacities of the alliance organizations help to reduce costs and to convert as much of the collected donations as possible into direct aid. The allocation of donations is based on a key. This takes into account the performance and performance profile of the aid organizations involved.

Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V.
Willy-Brandt-Allee 10-12
53113 Bonn

Tel.: 0228 – 24292 – 0
Fax: 0228 – 24292 – 199
Medien-Hotline: 0228 – 24292 – 222